Something is majorly weird with blogspot, its like when I uploaded the pics and it was straight, blogspot rotated it the other way... Weird o.o Anyway, last week, I went to a temple somewhere in Air Itam (location not really sure) when they were preparing for the Jade Emperor's birthday. The temple was really nice, but what hurt me the most when I went thee was seeing all the beggars lined up to collect alms from the temple #sigh. I hate seeing people suffering :(
But anyway, here are the pics:
The temple entrance :)
Dragon statue.
My worst enemy: Stairs.
And more stairs.
Railway track. Oh yeah, I now remembered the location. it was near Bukit Bendera! (I think).
View from the temple entrance :)
Lips, lips baby ;)
Lol, in case you haven't noticed, blue eyes courtesy of Picnik :D
And the best news ever?!? I can finally fit into a sundress without my butt looking huge!! :D
Okay, enough about butt updates. Time to bury myself in homwork again #lesigh.
;I remember the tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go.
One more minute.
Enlightenment and epiphany alert! Don't say I didn't warn you.Random you-tubing for videos when I saw this:
Such a freaking beautiful song that made me feel so sad. Funny, whenever I see happy vids (read marriage proposal vids) I start crying cause its so happy/joyful and it makes me feel sentimental. But whenever I hear songs such as this, not even a tear drop but it is really sad.
Yay for real sad music!
Saw this guy/girl (?) posting on a lyrics website about David Archuleta's new song and this was what he said;
"This is a very beautiful yet heartbreaking song, and it proves david's undeniably great talent.
The singer is someone who used to be in love, but his love interest died or moved away permanently, so the singer misses her and can't get over it. He has dreams about seeing her again and he keeps getting flashbacks about their beautiful times together. He wants to make it last, and he is begging inside for these memories (or dreams) to stay forever, or at least just one more minute.
I don't think it's about a break up, because david doesn't say "come back to me", "i want you back", etc. Or make a reference to the fact that she's moved on, like he did in a little too not over you. He doesn't even show any signs of wanting to move on, so i'm guessing what happened wasn't either his or the girl's, decision. Maybe it was a tragedy he can't change, so he asks every little piece he still remembers about her to never leave him."
Dude, whoever you are, you just made me reflect on your words alone. And who bloody knew a song could get you to think about everything thats been happening in your life? Shit and all.
You know like how you think about your current state of emotions and you realise that when you think your alone, your not. Cause somehow, somewhere there will be someone for you. Thank God I just realised that and no, its not in the of someone I'm love love, but just, as someone whose... There #trollface.
;Even though your gone I can still feel your heart, it's calling out my name like a flash in the dark.
Some things that I really NEED, not want, but absolutely NEED.
A skinny belt.
Blouses! Cause I'm running out of really nice ones #swt.
Also, I don't mind shopping for....
Casual/semi casual dresses :D I need more of this.
Starting to learn how to wear dresses cause my whole wadrobe is centered around jeans only. Haih.
Love this skirt :D Since I have only like one skirt; lace netted also from Forever 21 :)
Put yo hands in the air for Forever 21 :D
I want....
Aldo shoes #drool. I think I've stated how much I love those shoes even if their virtually impossible to walk in :P
There was one thing I wanted though and was so close to getting it....
Tried finding it but unfortunately not available in Malaysia yet. Grr. I will get you one day though, Wonderstruck :D
I am in a desperate need for a shopping buddy D: Planned already but not going through with it. Sigh.
;Cause I set fire, to the rain, watch it burn as I touch your face.
I'm not THAT girl
Confession; I've always felt insecure cause I'm not that girl;- that can easily talk to anyone
- who's perfect cause I mess up on some stuff
- that can tell someone she loves him then takes it back the next day cause I really mean it
- who looks good in a sundress cause I'm not a size zero
- who has a ton of likes on her profile picture
- who has every boy chasing after her cause I get friendzoned by those guys half the time anyway
- who looks perfect in her makeup
- not get you mad
- who talks as if she's in Withering Heights
- who's so feminine she only eats half of her steak
- yells at her boyfriend for talking to his ex
- has the world's awesomest butt
- has people texting her everyday, calling her to hang out with them
- who has all her girlfriends on speed dial
- who actually gets noticed half of the time
- emphasise with those who have been ostracized by others
- who often gets what she wants all the time
Psalm 139:14
I will give thanks for I am fearfully and wonderfully Made.
God made you the way you are, so give thanks and embrace it :D

;I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me.
Labels: beauty, God, inspirational
4th day.
Ugh, who knew post Chinese New Year could be so boring #swtface
Watched Petaling Street Warriors today and that's pretty much it.
But at least the movie was funny, couldn't stop laughing my ass off :D And I think I'm starting to like Cantonese movies... Weird #mystifiedface.
;I'm drowning myself in the memories of love, my heart is breaking with the thought of our lost love.
Labels: boredom, holidays, movie
Chinese New Year :D
Just wanted to start this post by wishing everyone;
Happy Chinese New Year! And also
Happy Year of the Dragon! :D
Happy Year of the Dragon! :D
So for the eve of the eve of Chinese New Year, we didn't do much because I was down with mothereffing food poisoning that lasted for the bloody whole day;
Couldn't even eat or walk, just slept for the whole day because I couldn't "over-exert" myself. Seriously, even walking a lil makes me feel faint.
Eve of CNY.
Went to my aunts house, met with relatives from Singapore and had fun chatting with them. Later went to Tesco to get lots of "chai" a.k.a vegetables *and also my family's surname in Chinese ;P* but couldn't get it. But I did get lots of really interesting pics though;
Saw two flies mating on my uncle's car bonnet, with no shame some more #shocked. We were all laughing and even though I put my camera really near them, they didn't even budge and just continued to be there.... Now that's what I call making love #likeaboss ;D
Guy friend who is obsessed with Tiesto will be reallllyyy delighted to see this ;)
Later went to my aunts house for steamboat!
Took this pic of my 2 uncles.... Its something sorta like an optical illusion :O
Picture of me with a random teddy bear :D
Sis and cousins :)
The dessert; cheese fruit cocktail omnomnom :D
The cupcakes that my cousin in law baked :D
Me and my aunt :D
Oranges :3
The fireworks ;)
Had a surprise. Bahh. Went to Gurney to celebrate with my family and ate at Chicago Ribs :D
Best. Pork. Burger. Ever.
Then went to Gurney Paragon which I heard is the newly renovated St. Xavier's building. Looks pretty fancy :D
The collecting images of the whole building process :)
The end result :D Like the abbreviation.
One of the restaurants there.
Fountain shots all captured by my Ray ;) Till this day, I'm still loving that camera <3
After going to Paragon, we walked back to Gurney, tried to find Taylor Swift's new perfume "Wonderstruck" since I've already got the cash time but nada, zipo, nicht, none :( Not even in Malaysia yet #sigh.
Then went to my grandma's house, got a big, fat angpau from my uncle and what not. Had lots of fun eating and talking :D
2nd day
Didn't do much, just went to Manhattan Fish Market for dinner with uncle and cousins. The brownie cake was to die for <3
It was so chocalately that even from a chocoholic like me, I found it kind of overwhelming #gasp.
So I guess that's pretty much my whole Chinese New Year :D Awesomely awesome <3
;Regrets collect like old friends, here to relieve your darkest moments.
Labels: celebration, family, happiness, the new year
Holidays Baby!
School holiday just started, had a ton of homework packed and stacked neatly in my bag... Hopefully for me not to finish it #trollface. Today imma blog about Chinese New Year! I can already hear teh fireworks everywhere... Must be paranoid-ing #LOLface.
Arrowroot (or was it ArrowHEAD; I have no idea), tastes awesome :D
The oranges :D
Decorations in QB, so cool :D
Really random, all the books I collected ever since last year where my reading fetish started.
Such a meaningful gift, got this from Farah as a Christmas gift #touchedface. And it even has the word "Princess" on it! #cutenesssoverload! How did she know I like anything related to princess #suspicious xD
Overall, everythings feeling all right, happiness and all that :D
God, I wish it would never end :/
Labels: happiness, holidays, the new year
We Run The Night
I seriously can't get this song out of my head:We Run The Night by Havana Brown feat Pitbull :D
This song makes me wanna go effing crazy and just take it all off!
Okay, not that crazy but still... Its a great pick me up song, wayy better than the one without Pitbull. And I just realised something, almost all Pitbull songs sound awesome and if left without him, the song kinda sounds flat #LOLface.
Weeks are dragging, so tired and bloggings' my only therapy so bear with me #trollface.
Something cute but true :D
;We run, yes we run the night, the night.
Le Mode Message
Le Mode Message directly translates to the fashion post! :D Trying my hand at camwhoring and Picasa here. Also trying to channel my inner Cheesie, hope that works, cause I seriously adore her work and think all her pictures are gorgeous :D
Polka dot dress from Soda.
Black dress from Creme :)
Floral printed dress also from Creme <3
Figure hugging grey dress from Nichii
Sparkly, gray top from Voir and lace netted skirt from Forever 21.
Fashion makes me go giddy with happiness :) Also lots of thanks to Sare for teaching me how to make a collage with Picasa :D
Yes, I'm a noob when it comes to using picture editing, sue me #trollface.
School's so far okay, getting better with everything and everyone says I don't look a day that sad and all that so I'm blissfully happy now <3 :D
;I'm free, I just spend all my money, but I rocked all that like it don't cost a thing.