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    My *new* shopping list

    Okay, so this is my revised version of my shopping list that I compiled so that I can easily remember what to buy :P

    1) Chanel Inspired Bags

    Honestly, I've wanted this bag ever since I saw it on some random girls instagram but sh e had the real version from Paris or wherever she bought it.
    So I guessed that if the original is too expensive, I'll just have the inspired version :D
    Me so smart 

    The expensive version. Like RM 2000 version.

    2) Sunglasses

    This pair is so chio yet simple. Plus it resembles my older pasar malam version who's surface got chipped :(

    3) Pumps

    This are actually Christian Loubotins but I heard that Nose had a better deal for pumps :P

    4) Colored denim

    I think my current obsession now should be colored denim shorts or jeans. Especially teal or purple or red ones :D 

    Forever 21, F.O.S (Miss Candy) and Trio all have colored denim. I can't wait to buy them :D 

    5) Mockingjay necklace 

    I've wanted this ever since the movie came out in March and I also saw this on instagram. Lucky bitch who bought this I'm envious FML. 

    If all goes alright, I could probably order this online as a Christmas gift. For myself! Genius :D 

    6) Heart shaped pendant

    I miss my old heart shape pendant cause it got taken from me during a school port check. And I didn't even realize I was wearing it on that day of sport check. Damn you discipline in school. Plus they threw it away! (school rules)
    Fuck them :)

    7) Jewellery box

    I've got to much jewellery here and not enough space.

    8) Fringed handbags

    Love this cause it looks so bohemian but stylish at the same time :D

    8) Charm bracelets 

    I already do have one waiting for me but it's with one of my friends (long grandma story).
    I can't wait to lay my hands on my charm bracelet :3

    ;A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, But diamonds are a girls best friend.

    But square cut or pair shape these rocks don't lose their shape, Diamonds are a girls best friend 

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    "My *new* shopping list" was Posted On: November 15, 2012 @Thursday, November 15, 2012 | 0 lovely comments

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