Of to somewhere nearer and I just wanted to post up something authentic and me, which is emo songs! :DWhenever I hear this song, I always tend to be transported back to my mansion of unspoken feelings. This song talks about Taylor going through a breakup, and she says that she wants to find someone one day who "might actually treat her well". It also talks about how a girl was stupid for thinking that she was that guys' princess. I should have known, that life with a certain someone was too good to be true. I'm not your princess and I guess that I should have realised that when all this crap started to happen.
"Moving on, its my time" & "hurt at first a lil bit, but now I'm so over it" is what always gets me in this song. I've moved on, I'm slowly forgetting everything... I've even forgotten how your voice sounds like and I even forgot your cologne that was my favourite scent. Yep, I'm moving on.
I especially love, love this heartbreak song. It talks about how after someone breaks your heart, you still have the courage to move on, and get stronger. I may have had my regrets, but I just wish I could forget about everything we had and just move on. Everytime your favourite song comes up on the radio, I just switch it of and the holllow feeling is easier to handle. It doesn't hurt that much anymore, and I'm proud of myself :D
"It will all get better in time", thats what everyone says. I guess that it'll happen for me too :) Everyone's saying that I should let you go, walk away and forget someone as cold as you. Haha, first time I actually listened to someones advice. Other than that, yeah, you pretending to be as cold as an icebox? I'm gonna move on because you don't deserve another minute, of me being sad because of the shit you said.
Anndddd, my one top favourite heartbreak song *drumroll*:
Ggŏjyŏjulge Jal Sara or better known as "I'll Back Of So You Can Live Better". My fav part is "I'll forget you so you can live better, so that you will be happy without me". This song is about G.Na who broke up with her guy because he says that he wants her gone (or some obscure reason not shown in this MV) and she says she'll leave him alone so he can live again. Kinda describes what I feel also, so I can really emphatise with how G.Na feels... Its hard but if you said you wanted to leave again, I'll listen. If someone is as dumb to let you go then I guess I made the right decision to walk away :D
And that compiles all of my feelings then :)
Mistakes were made, I'm not gonna be sad anymore, for any added measure, things were never gonna work out anyway. Don't even know why the hell I stayed behind and thought you could change.
You never did give a damn thing honey but I cried, I cried for you. And I hated it.

You know what, I don't think I want that answer. It just doesn't make sense, and I'm glad I don't have to figure you out anymore.
;Now that I'm sitting here, thinking things through, I (don't want to be) anywhere cold as you.