Such a SHORT post.
So was talking to two of my friends on facebook about exercising and we were crapping at the same time when he said this...
Tennielle Chua Ha, I'm already 5 foot 5 yo xD can beat that? :P
2 hours ago · ·

Chandhirha Jievan Richard OMG SO SCARED i'm 5'8 woman hahahaha.....3 inches shorter than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about an hour ago ·
Yes, I know, hilarious -- Btw, I'm not mad at what my friend said, but it did kinda make me realise that yeah, 5"5 is short for someone like me :(
And then, that's where Selena Gomez comes in yelling "YOU! Who says? Who says your not PURRfect, who says your not worth it!?! Who says????" #trollface.
Tomorrow, birthday party, next day, last holiday of the year... Literally :D
So I guess I can't wish everyone a Happy New Year since I'll be driving/singing Alleluia in church, so;
Hope everyone has an awesome year ahead :D
Me and my new pet star Wazzie :D Btw, love my new nail color <3
;It's okay not to be okay, It's hard to follow your heart.
Labels: friends, holiday, the new year
Le Christmas Time
First of, before I start of this post, I just wanna wish everyone
Okay, I know it's kinda late since it's like Boxing Day swt, so I also wanna wish:
So, for Christmas, as usual, we went for our tradisional midnight Mass, but before that, went to Cafe Jumbo again. Food, as usual was awesome, what wasn't awesome was that, I had the flu so could barely identify each taste of the food (okay, exaggerating, I could taste sweet, salty, bitter, sour, etc) #FFFFFUUUUU. Stupid flu --"
Okay, enough of me talking, I'll just show you the pics :D
But first, zeee camwhore pics:
My waved up hair :D
The dress that I wore.
Full shot :D I love waves <3
Okay, now for the food pics:
Turkey breast salad for starters
Roasted chicken with fettucine for the main course... The tomato paste was like #heaven!!
And rounded of with:
Cheesecake with strawberry and whipped cream #droolfloodsthefloor.
Oh God, I literally died in that cafe from goodness overload #heavenly.
Then the whole family went for midnight mass. Was pretty cool since it was the first mass for the Divine Mercy church :) It finished in about 2 hours and when we got out, I went to take a pic of THE CRIB... No, the house kinda crib; baby Jesus's crib :D
Later, for supper we went to McDonald and my gosh, when I walked in with my dress, makeup, etc, everyone was staring at me like as though I was siao like wtf. Maybe they were thinking why this girl walks in here at 2 A.M looking like she just came back from a bachelorette party?? And is she drunk??
I'm not being self consious or antything, its just that, yeah, I notice a lot of things #trollface.
And one more thing, I saw this guy staggering out of McDonalds and literally jumped on a girl outside who was texting and asked her "Kenapa hang buat aku tunggu sampai lambat sangat?". Translation "why did you make me wait for so long?" and I was like, is she a hooker or something???
Cuz then McD would be like a collecting place or something. Don't mind my rambling, I'm just slightly shocked that I witnessed that. And the girl looked as if she didn't even noticed him and just continued talking! I seriously hope she's okay #concerned.
Okay then, that was Christmas eve, now is the real big day! Dun dun dun.
The table before the food :D
The Nando's chicken with sausages and vege kieshe ( I think that's how you spell it o.o)
Fries, mixed vegetables, salad and glass of white wine :D
Poached red wine pear with vanilla ice cream :D
Speaking of wine, I had like about 5 glasses+ of wine, but turns out I didn't get THAT drunk o.o
After that, rested and went to one of my aunts open house plus Christmas party...
Heart(s) skip a beat :D
Zee candy :D Taken with my Xperia Ray, see how CLEAR it is??
Internet connection sucks so this post took me almost 2 hours to complete fml --
Last but not least, my Christmas present, yes I got IT!
My beloved Xperia Ray :D
Dream phone, dream Christmas, dream year, thank you God :D
;Joy to the world, the Lord has come.
Labels: Christmas, family, fun, handphones, happiness
OMG, I did it, I got straight A's! God, all the hard work, tears, fears, arguments and bad things was all worth it in my quest to get straight A's (I kinda make it sound like The Lord Of The Rings here) finally payed of! #freddiemercurypose. First of all, I have to thank God, then my parents, and teachers who stood beside me... Even I thought I couldn't do it. So, Sony Xperia Ray, here I come to get you! #trollface.
Me and Mr. Fauzi, my mum couldn't stop thanking him xD
Me vaining with my slip :D
My slip :D
Later, after getting my results, the whole family was there for Coco Barry's birthday party in a steamboat restaurant :D Had lots if fun BBQ-ing/grilling food, although oil sparks were flying a bit everywhere ><
I'll just let the pic's here do the talking:
Water fountain- random :D
Pretty lights :D
My dinner, I know, kinda pathetic but nice :D
Candid shot of my sis with her piece of ham
Tried to take a picture amongst the smoke, nyeh, turned out okay :D
Me posing with the birthday boy :D We both kinda muka sama kan? xD
Overall, yesterday was seriously awesome, I mean, PMR results, getting to choose what phone I want... My 2011 is finally complete :D
I can finally relax... And I'm now having sorethroat for whatever reason I don't know #swtface.
;Your the only one that knows me better than I know myself.
Labels: family, fun, happiness, results
New nail design :D
Yesterday I was like full on bored so I decided to paint my nails and tried something for the very first time. Nail art. Dun dun dun...Okay, it wasn't that horrible but I was kinda clueless in sticking the nail art that I accidently ripped it apart... But then I decided to paint my nails alternately in nail art and black+green diamond studs.
It's not that clean so bear with it *I don't have the professional set* :(
Yay! Looks a whole lot betta! :D
I'm grateful for the nail art :)
P.S: PMR results are tomorrow already. I'm scared. Like really freaked out. Staying at home alone too doesn't help. Makes me dwell so much on everything *shudders*
Well, I am always #foreveralone... Sniffs. The stress is getting to me.
Good luck though to all the PMR candidates! :)
P.P.S: Don't mind me if I sound a lil emo/happy tomorrow *depends on the results*. Kthxbai.
;Who do you think you are? A super S-T-A-R?
Labels: grateful, results, stress
Yogurt mask ^^
Now, as I'm blogging, I have a yogurt mask on... No kidding. Well, I heard from a Bubzbeauty's video that yogurt is a very good DIY beauty remedy. And all you need is just plain natural yogurt!
Natural Greek style yogurt. Sounds very posh but smells like cheese only o.o
This natural mask supposedly gives skin a natural radiance and hydration.
Natural yougurt contains enzymes and lactic acid to help soften skin, brightens a dull complexion and removes redness in the face.
Treated for 7 days with this natural mask, and you would get skin that is supple, bright, radiant and even looking. No kidding.
So yeah, I have on a yogurt mask right now but I refuse to post up the pic cuz it looked as if someone surgically attached solid egg white on my face. Ergh.
Skip to the end... So after like 20 minutes++ I washed of the mask with normal tap water (the video said lukewarm water but I was too lazy to wash with that water -_-) and voila!
Brighter, even skin within 20++ minutes! :D
Took this photo without any makeup, lightings, or whatever.
P.P.S: I apologize for my unbrushed eyebrows, their beginning to grow out of shape so its high time for a trip to the salon -_-
So, today I'm grateful for yogurt (especially the posh, smelly ones) and their amazing ability to make my blah natural face look... Not so blah :D
Oh yeah, thank you Bubzbeauty for the video inspiration! Check her out: Bubzbeauty's Channel :]
;I'm feeling sexy and free, like glitters raining on me.
Labels: beauty, grateful, happiness
Liese; Grateful
Hihi! For a completely random yet not random/meaningful post, I'm gonna talk about Liese Bubble Hair Color today. Liese is well known and is number 1 in Japan for their safe, even coating of hair color. The packaging is simple and the procedure is easy to follow:
Marshmallow brown is by far my favourite color ^^
Wanted to try this color but according to the websites Q&A (here) the colors lasts up until 2 months and seeing that school starts in less than 3 more weeks to go, dyeing your hair is seriously not advisable. Hmph.
Maybe I'm gonna try this next year then :D
According to a few people who tried Liese, they said that the color is not so noticeable and is more subtle than most coloring agents, but if a subtle sheen of color is what you're looking for then maybe you should give Liese a try :)
Hopefully the next post about hair coloring will be of me with marshmallow brown hair :D
BTW, I read from the Austrailian Womens' Weekly (borrowed it from my mum and it is a great magazine so don't judge :P) about this woman who started a photo of the day of something you are grateful for. According to this magazine, "the "grateful movement" is sweeping the country (Austrailia) and transforming lives" - Bryce Corbett.
The tagline of this is that happiness is learning to be grateful and sometimes even the smallest things can make us feel so lucky if we take time to savour it :) So, instead of lamenting what you don't have, take time and love the things that you do have :)
So, I've decided to the "grateful movement" because I realised that, for someone who has almost anything she wants, she can be extremely ungrateful sometimes.
My grateful picture of the day:
The heavenly J.Co doughnuts :D
My fav Don Moshino (I think that's how you spell it) with cream in the middle *drools*
The picture of the crib in front of my church... Took this cause it was so meaningful :)
This grateful movement may take some time with me but as they say, you gotta start small :)
;It's the only life you got so you gotta live it big time.
Labels: BTR, coloring, grateful, hair
Soo.... Like every real Penangite, I attended this years Pesta (and if you didn't attend, don't listen to me, listen to your birth certificate instead) and it sure did not disappoint :) Let the pictures do the talking and I'll continue walking (lame joke, I KNOW)
The absolute delicious Thai style prawns :D
Darth Vaders' brother in law
This scary pic gave me get goosebumps when I was editing it :/
The swingy turny around thingy that gives everyone headaches :D
Different colored lights on trees, it seriously looked magical :)
Well, I didn't really sit on any of the rides but my sis did and she said it was fun... Yeah, fun, and she didn't even mention the scariness of all those high speed rides. Brr.
That's it for this really short post :D
The lights are still awesome though xD
Cyrano <3
;I wanna get beside ya, so that I can be your backseat driver ;)