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    Bad Day

    You know like the song "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter where he says "You're faking a smile with the coffee you go". So yeah, had a bad day. Felt like pulling a face and looking like wanna beat up someone up for the whole day.

    Drama with friends, got slammed down hard when I shared my feelings with a few people, oily greasy hair early in the morning, stinked of sweat the whole day, and got my exam results. And guess what? Failed Add Maths and mediocre results for everything. So I'm sorry if I yell at you, snap or whatever, people have fucking bad days too kay? Plus I passed on the chance to watch Hunger Games for this Thursday. Fuck.

    So, now you know. And okay, I won't ruin your dandy fucking perfect life with this post. You want naked boobs with camwhore pics? Go get a fucking bimbo's blog where being happy and perfect is the only fucking thing she thinks about.

    I have a life and its not pretty sometimes okay?

    ;If this was a movie, you'll be here by now.

    But I remember how it was back then, locked up in your arms and our friends were laughing, cause nothing like this ever happened to them ♥

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    "Bad Day" was Posted On: March 19, 2012 @Monday, March 19, 2012 | 0 lovely comments

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