Before you came into my life I missed you so bad
Went out yesterday with le family to watch:
Dejah Thoris ^^ Gotta be my most favourite character in the movie. She's so pretty and smart at the same time. Even my dad called her sexy wtf.

That dress nice :O
Maroon sleeveless shirt inside: Brands Outlet
Top: Forever 21
Went to Wong Kok for lunch; had a burger. Throwed a slight tantrum cause my fish burger didn't have any egg in it. I was PMS-ing, sue me.
My tantrum inducing fish burger :X
The TV showing only Korean music videos.
Went to town to fix mum's Digi line. Had a surprised over there... I think I saw my ex's mums car. Wanted to run off but then told myself that if I ever do see him, Imma hold my head up high and act as if I don't know him

LOOL. Tenny happy.
;You took your time with the call, I took no time with the fall.
Pennies and dimes for a kiss ♥