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    Rant alert!! Just a warning *winks*

    The other day I was speaking to one of my friends when we both started gossiping about some other girl and talking bad about her. In my defense, I didn't know it could ever hurt anyone. Safe to say that's when I discovered karma. Yup, that bitch.
    So I thought, I guess I don't want to talk about people unless its just general, REAL news about them, because gossip can hurt anyone.

    Its always like:

    And you know what's even more digusting??:

    Might be a bit blur but it says
    Right: She did a BJ on him!!!
    Left: OMG!!!
    Yes, I know I'm wasting my time doing this, but honestly, I love making this speech bubbles thingy :D 

    Point is, when you gossip, you don't know whether or not you can hurt someone when they hear bout you about them. It might not even be the REAL story.
    For example, refer to speech bubble number 2, that girl you heard doing the deed with her boyfriend? Calling her a slut is just plain harsh because *cough cough*
    Number 1: She and her boyfriend might have already had the sex talk. So don't be a kepo and go kiss your Edward Cullen poster or something.
    Number 2: They might have did it out of love. Ever heard of it? Not to be confused with lust because when your in love, you tend to do all of this, out of love, got it?

    Just because you haven't walked in someone else's shoes before, doesn't give you the fucking right to assume and judge. Got it?

    Sorry if I sound too harsh or something, that's just me being me, deal with it ;D

    ;Every breath that I take proves that I can live without you.

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    "Gossips" was Posted On: January 8, 2012 @Sunday, January 08, 2012 | 0 lovely comments

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