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    Two posts in a day? Wow, I must be getting bored. Well, the reason for this post is that I have a lot and a LOT of things on my mind. I wish I could get a pensieve like that one from Harry Potter where Dumbledore extracts his memories and puts in a magical basin where you can visit it all over again. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it, if it's not on Google, you're screwed (random and just HAD to add that)
    Reason being, the rational is fighting with the irrational, kinda like a struggle between that angel and devil on your shoulder thing-y-ma-bob. But it's too impersonal to put up on the Web but one things for sure, every thing that I went through, good and bad, I have already offered up to Him for His own doing. I dunno if this is what I should do, but there was just a nagging feeling in me telling me to do that. What else better to do than follow your gut instint? If you do not know what I'm rambling about, please, feel free to youtube a video called "Five Loaves and Two Fishes" from Corrine May. If you don't wanna do youtube that vid, than you probably have wasted 2 minutes reading a seemingly pointless post.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Tennielle :)

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    "Pensieve" was Posted On: December 12, 2010 @Sunday, December 12, 2010 | 0 lovely comments

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