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    Le Foreveraloness

    Rant alert!

     I'm just gonna start here by saying that I'm a hypocrite :O
    Why I'm saying this is because in a previous post about Valentines day where I said it's alright to be foreveralone on Valentines... Well, I think I'm taking it back, being alone is not fun for me anymore :/

    "But I thought you said that being alone is okay?"
    "I take it back."

    I think I know the reason why I've been so unlucky with the matters of the heart, it's because since I've already have whatever I want then maybe God decided that it was fun to take away my luck in love.

    So I have made a conclusion that the universe runs on the concept that you should give to the less fortunate and I guess He decided that I already have everything I've wanted and gave the all the luck of my love life to SOMEONE ELSE.

    Err, maybe that's all there is too it. I already have everything I've ever wanted that God decided to let me meet and fall in love with tons of  douchebags first before I actually find someone actually WORTH IT.

    No wonder my love life is so dramatic and lifeless sometimes and it also doesn't help that think that all this asses think that giving me only half of their efforts, time, and love is actually only the most that I DESERVE.

    But then

    I thought, decided and concluded that I really deserve better though, that I'm sure of :)

    No emoness la, just an epihany :X

    ;It feels like music sounds better with you, it feels like, everything feels better with you.

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    "Le Foreveraloness" was Posted On: February 21, 2012 @Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 0 lovely comments

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