Page 1 says that your falling in and out of love~ Can't get those song lyrics out of my... Gotta thank my cousin for introducing me to Tino Coury's "Diary" :)
Percubaan is coming up so close... And whats worse? A quarter of our syllabus is not done yet plus the fact that I only did exercises and not studying... I think I'm gonna be die during this exam. Hope and pray that I can do well :)
I feel sick.... Whole body like going wacko with all the stress, anxiety, tears and fears... I don't know what to do when I am THIS stress for this year... Me feel like throwing a tantrum for all the childishly, stupid reasons that I can't think of.
I'm not a machine,
I have feelings and a heart to go along with it,
So stop thinking that I can handle everything all at once cuz even machines can break down...
P.S: Currently listening to "Dirty Talk" by Wynter Gordon and loving it ;)
I am no angel~ :D