My 16th birthday party!
So on Sunday (24th of June) the world celebrated an extraordinary teenage girl's birthday a.k.a me! (lol, so perasan but whatever, I'm faboo that way :D). And it wasn't the whole world (although that would be cool) it was just my family, Wani, Sarah, Nad, Farah, Viv, Zazu (Izuddin) and Milky (Milzam) at Paddington House of Pancakes.
My hair for the day :D Tried waving it for the first time :3
My pink dress from Merry Mary :D
The guests~ Nad, Wani, Sarah and me :)
Camwhoring while waiting for our food.
My Texas grilled chicken with choice of savoury pancakes.
Posing with my food. Well, what was left of it in this pic :3
Zazu and Milky :D The only 2 males there :P
Me and Farah :3 Ahaha, she was halfway talking when we shot that pic. But still, not bad *close enough*
After our food, all of us took out our cameras/phone and started camwhoring as Milky aptly put it "the camwhoring has begun". And so it has begun.
Sarah, me and Nad :D
Candid shot captured by co. He was kinda like the photographer of that day xD

Candid pose.. Okay, no lah, I asked Sarah to take my pic of me standing xD
Sarah, Nadia, me and Wani :D
All of us getting ready for our group pic :3
And here it is :D
Me with Viv :D Finally, one pic of us where it wasn't taken in school :P
Posing with my new necklace. More about that in down the post.
Later our camwhoring got stopped cause the dessert arrived :D
Dollar pancake with choco sauce :3
Some of the sauce fell on Viv's white Confirmation dress but I forgot who accidently dropped i and she looked like she wanted to kill someone :O Thank God, I saved the whole thing by giving her wet tissues and asking the person who accidently did it to apologize -- Seriously, crisis during a party is really not cool.
My chocolate moist birthday cake courtesy of Ee who bought it for me as a b'day gift :3
Posing with the cake :D
Dang, I really like this pic :D One of the perks of having an awesome camera, you don't have to edit the pic so much --
Me gazing lovingly at the strawberry :*
My slice of cake :3
So artistic wan! Jealous die me.
Already opened Sarah's gift :3 I love those Barbie sunglasses ♥
Later we had the group pic as requested by me and voila, the remaining guests :D the rest had to go for tuition and something else :P
Friends :)
Family ♥
Extended family ♥ Jk, their all family :D
Walked around for a lil while cause I accompanied Viv while she was waiting for her parents. Went to Forever 21 and they were having a mega sale :O All of the tops were like so cheap! But unfortunately couldn't shop cause my heels were killing me :/
So went back home instead and unwrapped all of my gifts :3
All in all, I got....
A 4 leaf clover necklace from Co. Edison and Co. Barry :D I love that necklace :D
Sunglasses from Sarah :D
Chocs from Izuddin :)
Bangles from Forever 21 from Viv :D
A whale thingy-ma-jig from Nadia. Lol, even she didn;t know what this was :/
A handbag from Wani :D
Homemade letter and earrings from Farah :D the gift was really sweet but unfortunately, I don't have any piercings. At all. My ears are virgins y'all.
Homemade note and glass bear bottle from Sare who couldn't come to my party but gave me a gift anyway the next week :D I absoultely heart homemade written letters from people :'3 I'm a word kind of person :P
Ending this awesome day/memory and post with a tired but satisfied pic of moi :P
Thank you for everyone especially mummy for planning this party and helping me to make it go flawless. Can you believe this is the first time I've ever had a birthday party? This is how efficient my mum is xD
Thank you God for giving me wonderful people in my life. Also, thanks to You for making this day go smoothly and also being there. Plus, for listening to my prayers even if I didn't know how to put it into a prayer ♥ :)
;Cause tonight, we are young, so lets set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun.
So if by the time, the bar closes and you feel like falling down, I'll carry you home tonight ♥
Labels: birthday, family, friends, fun, happiness